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Key Terms


Typically referenced as a combination of an identifier, data describing that identifier, an ETH address/wallet associated with that identifier, and the state of Signal with respect to that Identifier.


An agent in the system that has performed/is capable of performing on-chain transactions.


A Semantic Triple, defining the relationship between Atoms, in [Subject] [Predicate] [Object] format - akin to that of a sentence.


An ERC-4626-esque vault - Tokenized Vault Standard. The method through which users are able to ‘signal’ their ‘conviction’ about ‘things’


Extension of ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard, wherein many Vaults can be managed by a singular contract (instead of needing a new contract for each vault).


Informative data created by or about an Atom or Triple. Variables that may be included in the derivation of Signal include any action taken by, or any action referencing, an Atom. Example variables include: the creation of an Atom or Triple, staking on an Atom or Triple’s Vaults, the duration of this stake, the time of each action, the reputation of each agent involved, etc.

Stake (AKA ‘Attesting’)

The process by which a user signals their conviction in an Atom or Triple. “Staking” involves depositing tokens into a [Triple]’s [Vault]. “Signaling” of a “thing” may be arbitrarily observed as the amount of stake an entity is presently staking on that thing


Staking on the Negative Vault of a [Triple]. All Triples have two [Vaults] - one for the “affirmative” of the Triple’s statement, and one for the “negative” / “inverse”. Counter-Staking involves staking on the “negative” / “inverse” Vault of a Triple.

Example: the Triple [Billy] [is] [Trustworthy] has 2 vaults; if a user wishes to signal that this Triple is false, they would Counter-Stake on the [Triple], by Staking on the Negative Vault of the [Triple].


A thing that grabs data from one place and indexes it in another place.

On-Chain Indexer

A thing that grabs data from on-chain and indexes it somewhere else.

Off-Chain Indexer

A thing that grabs data from on-chain and indexes it somewhere else.


Akin to a programming language, interpretations are agreed upon methods by which state in the Intuition system can be interpreted by systems. Any data can be interpreted in any way; however, reusable interpretations and interpretation models enable deeper cooperation between higher-level actors.

Official Interpretation

An [Interpretation] that has an officially-approved meaning, as approved by the Intuition community. For example, a [Triple] having a “hasAccess” [Predicate] may have an Official Interpretation of granting the user access to something.


Decentralized identifier as defined by the W3C DID spec:


Verifiable Credential as defined by the W3C VC spec:

Atom Shares

Atom Shares denote the Signal a user is presently expressing about an Atom, and grants users a proportional share of all Atom Fees paid to the [Atom]. Atom Shares are shares of the Atom’s [Vault].

Triple Shares

Triple Shares denote the Signal a user is presently expressing about a Triple, and grants users a proportional share of all Triple Fees paid to the [Triple]. Triple Shares are shares of the Triple’s [Vault].

Protocol Shares

Protocol Shares grant users a proportional share of all Protocol Fees paid to the Protocol. Protocol Shares are shares of the Protocol’s [Vault].

Fee Rewards

The proportion of the fee that is paid to Shareholders of the respective object.

Bonding Curves

Equation that dictates the cost of shares in an object based upon the supply of those shares. Generally, the more shares outstanding, the higher the cost of subsequent shares.